Five Battles That Broke and Built Byzantium

Five battles bought glory with blood, but each victory carved deeper wounds into an empire that won the war only to lose its soul.

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Welcome to Monday’s edition of Culture Explorer. In today’s free section, we dive into five pivotal battles—Dara, Tricamarum, Taginae, Nineveh, and Yarmuk—that shaped the rise, glory, and slow unraveling of the Eastern Roman Empire. Premium readers get exclusive access to exploration of Byzantine art and culture that still echoes today. Whether you're drawn to strategy or symbolism, this issue brings Byzantium to life.

When the Western Roman Empire fell in the late 5th century, it looked like the end of Rome. Barbarians ruled the West. Vandals controlled Africa. The Ostrogoths held Italy. But in the East, the Roman Empire endured. Based in Constantinople, it held firm and even struck back. The 6th and 7th centuries brought moments of brilliance—and catastrophe.

Battle of Dara (present-day Mardin Province, southern Turkey)

Everything changed under Emperor Justinian. He aimed to reclaim the West and unify the empire. But first, he had to deal with Persia. In 530 A.D., near the fortress of Dara in Mesopotamia, a young general named Belisarius faced the seasoned Persian army of the Sassanid Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire, or Byzantium, had endured years of Persian raids and humiliations. But at Dara, Belisarius brought strategy. He dug trenches to control cavalry charges, positioned his troops in deceptive formations, and used a fake retreat to lure the Persian elite Immortals into a trap. The result: thousands of Persian dead, and a decisive Roman victory that restored confidence in an empire long battered at its eastern front.

Map of the Vandalic War. Photo by Cplakidas - Wikimedia CC BY-SA 3.0.

Three years later, Belisarius again carried the hopes of Constantinople—this time to North Africa. At Tricamarum, in 533 A.D., he confronted the Vandals, who had seized Roman lands and built a kingdom on imperial ruins. The Vandal cavalry was fierce, and their king Gelimer confident. But Belisarius acted swiftly. He divided his forces, struck at the heart, and shattered the Vandal line in a whirlwind of dust and steel. Gelimer fled to the mountains. The Vandal kingdom collapsed overnight. The Romans re-entered Carthage not as exiles but as conquerors.

Gothic and Byzantine warriors.

The Gothic War in Italy would prove a far more brutal affair. In 552 AD, at the Battle of Taginae, the fate of Italy hung in the balance. Narses, a eunuch-turned-general, led an army of Eastern Romans and Lombard mercenaries against Totila, king of the Ostrogoths. Totila tried to outflank the Byzantines with light cavalry and speed. But Narses laid a silent trap, forming his troops in a long crescent. When the Gothic cavalry charged, archers released a storm of arrows. Totila fell in the melee. His death broke the Gothic resistance. Rome would once again wear the imperial purple—though barely.

Each of these victories expanded Justinian’s empire. But they also stretched it thin. The treasury bled gold to pay mercenaries. Cities ravaged by war became ghost towns. The Plague of Justinian added more death than swords ever could. And just as the empire reached its old borders, cracks formed beneath.

Anachronistic painting of the Battle of Nineveh (627) between Heraclius's army and the Persians under Khosrow II. Fresco by Piero della Francesca, 1452.

In 627 A.D., near the ruins of Nineveh, another emperor—Heraclius—fought for survival. The Persians had taken Syria, Egypt, even Jerusalem. The True Cross had fallen into enemy hands. Heraclius refused to retreat. He took a bold, dangerous march deep into Persian territory, striking at the heart while his homeland smoldered. At Nineveh, he faced a larger Persian army under Rhahzadh. Heraclius pretended to retreat, drew the Persians across snowy plains, then turned and attacked. He personally led charges, slaying Persian commanders. Rhahzadh died in single combat. The Persians broke. It was a rare moment when one battle reversed a decade of loss.

The Eastern Roman (Byzantine) empire in 650 A.D. Photo by Byzantiumby650AD.JPG/Wikimedia CC BY-SA 3.0.

But victory came too late. The Persians, shattered, sued for peace. Yet both empires—Roman and Persian—had exhausted themselves. When Arab armies surged out of Arabia, driven by religious fervor and tribal unity, they found a Byzantine state hollowed from within.

The final blow came in 636 AD, on the dusty plains near the Yarmuk River. Heraclius, now old and weary, watched helplessly from Antioch. His generals led a coalition of Roman troops, Armenians, and Christian Arabs against Khalid ibn al-Walid’s Rashidun forces. The Byzantines held the high ground and superior numbers. But the Muslim army moved with fluid coordination. Over six grueling days, they lured Byzantine forces into narrow passes, struck at flanks, and outmaneuvered them.

Illustration of the Battle of Yarmouk (636) at the bottom of the page of BNF Nouvelle acquisition française 886 fol. 9v (early 14th century). The Saracens are shown with a star and crescent banner, the Byzantines (anachronistically in Crusader era armour) with a star banner.

On the final day, a sandstorm blinded the Byzantines. The Arabs attacked from multiple directions. Panic spread. The Byzantine army—once the pride of the empire—collapsed. Soldiers drowned in the river or were cut down in retreat. It was not just a defeat; it was the loss of Syria, a core Roman province since Pompey.

Heraclius never recovered. He withdrew to Constantinople, bitter and broken. “Peace unto you, Syria,” he is said to have whispered. “What a beautiful land you are, and how swiftly you’ve been lost.” That moment marked the end of Roman dominance in the Near East. Egypt fell soon after. The empire became a shadow, clinging to Anatolia and the Balkans.

Each of these five battles tells a chapter in the Eastern Roman story. Dara showed military brilliance. Tricamarum brought vengeance. Taginae reasserted imperial might in the West. Nineveh revived a dying cause. And Yarmuk crushed centuries of Roman presence in the East.

But beyond tactics and terrain, they reveal a deeper truth. The Eastern Roman Empire survived not by might alone, but by resilience—by generals who dared, emperors who gambled, and soldiers who bled across deserts and mountains. It was an empire of last stands.

Yet each victory came at a cost. The campaigns of Justinian brought glory, but also exhaustion. Heraclius won battles but lost empires. The Roman spirit endured, but its world shrank.

Clash between Byzantines and Arabs at the Battle of Lalakaon (863) and defeat of Amer, the emir of Malatya.

In the end, the Eastern Roman Empire became something new. It adapted, changed language, faith, and form. Byzantium rose from the ashes of each battlefield, battered but alive. The empire shaped and was shaped by these five battles—moments where swords clashed, and history turned.

Their echoes still linger, not just in ruins or chronicles, but in the story of how empires rise, fall, and fight to endure.

“The Eternal City is in the debt of so many of these legends but owes none more than Flavius Belisarius—the king without a crown, the last of the true Romans, who marched obediently through a valley of certain death for the vanity and pride of his emperor.”

William Havelock (The Last Dying Light)

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Belisarius Begging for Alms, as depicted in popular legend, in the painting by Jacques-Louis David (1781).

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