The Gates of Paradise

A Masterpiece of the Florentine Renaissance

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The Gates of Paradise are a stunning set of bronze doors that grace the Baptistery of San Giovanni, right across from Florence Cathedral in Italy. Created by Lorenzo Ghiberti, a master of the Italian Renaissance, these doors are famous for their detailed relief sculptures and are considered a landmark of Renaissance art. Ghiberti won the commission for these doors in 1401 after beating out several competitors, including the well-known Filippo Brunelleschi, in a widely publicized contest.

East doors, or Gates of Paradise, by Lorenzo Ghiberti, Museo dell'Opera del Duomo (Wikimedia: Photo by Sailko - CC BY 3.0)

It took Ghiberti 27 years (from 1425 to 1452) to complete the doors, which feature ten panels depicting scenes from the Old Testament. The craftsmanship is remarkable, with Ghiberti using a technique called Schiacciato - a type of shallow relief - to give the panels a sense of depth, despite being flat. Each panel tells a story, such as Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, and others, all masterfully woven together to create a narrative filled with emotion and perspective.

Lorenzo Ghiberti, Story of Adam and Eve, from The Gates of Paradise

For example, the Adam and Eve panel shows their creation, temptation, and expulsion from Eden, while the Cain and Abel panel captures the peaceful offering to God followed by Cain's violent act of killing Abel. Other panels, like Noah’s, portray a wide range of scenes, including his ark and the aftermath of the flood, all with a depth of detail that was groundbreaking at the time.

Story of Cain and Abel on the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti; CC BY 3.0

Ghiberti’s skill really shines in panels like Abraham's, where he captures the drama of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac, and the David panel, which shows the young hero just after defeating Goliath. The final panel, Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, ties it all together, representing a symbolic union of the Eastern and Western churches.

Story of Noah on the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti; CC BY 3.0

Originally, the Gates of Paradise were installed on the east entrance of the Baptistery but were moved to the north entrance in the 18th century to protect them from damage. Replicas now stand in their place while the originals are preserved in the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo. Michelangelo himself is said to have called these doors "so beautiful that they are worthy of standing at the Gates of Paradise," a nickname that stuck and continues to remind us of Ghiberti's incredible artistry.

Story of Abraham on the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti; CC BY 3.0

View the remaining panels below in the Art section.

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Story of Isaac with Jacob and Esau on the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti; CC BY 3.0

Story of David on the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti; CC BY 3.0

Story of Joseph on the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti; CC BY 3.0

Story of Moses on the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti; CC BY 3.0

Story of Joshua on the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti; CC BY 3.0

Story of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba on the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti; CC BY 3.0


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